We finished the day with a visit to Chee Burger Chee Burger. (holy fatness.) My dad started talking about someone he knew who would order the same thing every where he went - a burger, fries and a coke. EVERYWHERE. He would go to a chinese restaurant and thats what he'd order. It made me realize that I could miss out on so much if I don't keep an open mind and ask questions, see and experience new things and step out of my comfort zone. I want to see everything. Show me everything. I want to know. Just show me. Imagine how much better everyone's lives would be if they just asked. Everything would be so much more interesting and people would be sooooo much smarter.
I dont know what college is gonna be like. I dont know what will happen in my art classes. I dont know how to speak italian or how to drive stick, or how to belly dance or how to play poker. I dont know how to talk to guys without sounding stupid, I dont know how to make everyone happy. I'm not sure how to love myself completely or how to talk about politics in a room full of republicans. I dont know.
Show me.
(here comes the repeated questions - sorry) where are you going for college and wahts your major?
i hate stepping out of my comfort zone. im one of those people who like staying where im comfortable and not taking too many chances - i need to change that! well, i enjoy reading your blogs....
I completely and utterly agree with you! I don't think any of us know and it scares the shit out of us. But in the unknown you know one thing... you're amazing, you're loved, you know how to kick some serious ass, AND (this is the best one or ones) you know how to hoodlum tip and what mysterious farting noises are ;-D
You know as well as anyone that I ask more questions than anyone should, and I can tell you it totally helps me to learn more about the world. Keep asking, Hayd, someday we can change the world... I swear.
I firmly believe that life's "I don't knows" are the only way that life can remain interesting. Who would want to go through the same thing every day, not learning anything new, just existing? You will do just fine in your big girl life; I have no doubt in my mind that your adulthood will be the most successful you can possibly imagine.
OK, my mom would totally teach you how to drive stick if you need. She misses her stick shift.
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