So yesterday was THE most PERFECT day of the summer. Perfect. I cant even explain it. I got up at the ASS CRACK of dawn and packed up the car with all the goods - cooler full of drinks, a box full of road snacks, blankets, towels, plastic bags, extra clothes...blah blah blah. I ran to an ATM and filled my mom's car with gas. After an unplanned trip back home to kill some time and apply some forgotten make up, I was on the road to Kelan's. Who came complete with tuxedo shirt, orange swim trunks, a mix of dirty music, and no underwear. Hahahahaa....what would I be without him? We drove out to Sam's house (only taking one wrong turn this time) at around 9, just in time to wake her up out of bed. After a quick coffee run we were on out way to Stony brook.
We went through a series of bitchin mix cds and a stunning rendition of Sam's latest romance novel - (oh you know the one about the racist count and the indian chick) and actually ended up finding an easier route to the park because of her genius. So it took us half the time we originally expected to get to the park. Stony brook itself is basically...the best seven dollar water park in New York. The gorge is so incredibly beautiful and so fun to just spend all day exploring. Lots of little waterfalls and spots to just chill and swim or climb around. So when we got there we had a lovely picnic and some of Sam's amazing couscous salad to fuel up for the day. We practiced our cherry pit blowing skills and listened to part two of the Count and Indian Chick story - HOT.
Then we hit the trail and spent hours climbing around, taking pictures, laughing our asses off and watching Kelan fearlessly take on slippery rocks. (You have to give him credit, he fell a few times and landed with his body twisted in ways he couldnt imagine. His poor groin. But he kept getting up, he braved gigantic spiders, and went down water falls like it was a piece of cake.) We even saw some baby ducks running away from some bratty kids. (Kids who Sam promptly scolded and told them to leave the poor babies alone. hahaha go sam) We had several naked adventures as well hahaha. "I feel so FREEEEE!" It was perfect weather, the water was great, the people were fantastic. It was just the most perfect day - followed by some freaking amazing chicken wings @ BWW. (holy shit goodness.) Even though I got a little flack at home for being a few minutes late after curfew, my parents were psyched we had a good time too.
After staying up a little later to clean up the car and the cooler, I finally got myself in a hot shower and off to bed. I slept like a rock. Waking up this morning, I can see the sunburn on my face and shoulder, my feet hurt from the rocks and probably the 6 or 7 miles we hiked, but it was so worth it. It doesn't matter one bit when you spend the best of times with the best of people :)
I have never felt as valued or as loved as when I am with you two, and every day I am thankful for our friendship.
I love you so so so much. I know we will have many more days like this.
I wish you could have made it to my graduation party, sweetheart. To make up for it, we will do something together soon, yes? (:
I love you, Hayds!
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