Thursday, July 31, 2008

Random Things I Have Realized About Myself.

* I have a deep love for kettle corn.
* Whenever I go to Bed Bath and Beyond or JC Pennies and I see those fake little bed set ups - I immediately feel like taking a nap.
*  Some people have dyslexia with words, I have it with numbers.
*  I enjoy people - watching.
*  Everytime I see something out of the ordinary, I immediately think about how I can put it in a children's book.
*  I feel guilty after every time I eat.
*  I hate money, but I wish I had more of it.
*  I want to get my nose pierced, but I'm too chicken.  Tattoo me I'm fine...piercings...not so much.
*  I am afraid sometimes that dreaming is about as far as I'll get in life.
*  If I could be any animal in the world, I would be a panda.  
*  I have no religion.  Not really.  When people ask I dont know how to answer. I think next time some one asks me, I will just say Love.
*  Sometimes I think about living over seas for a few years without telling anyone but my Mom and Dad.  
*  I like the smell of fall and campfires more than anything else.
*  I have a freckle on my left butt cheek.
*  The only time I feel completely at peace with the world is when I'm on a boat.
*  I also have an obsession with scarves. I love them, I have tons of them, and I always want more.
*  I cant dance without giggling the whole time.
*  I'm really fond of doing laundry?
*  Every time I see a blank wall on a public bathroom stall, I have to write on it.


Kelannn said...

Hey, I started again, but I'm doing it from scratch.

How is it that you're aware of your butt cheek freckle?

Samantha said...

I have a freckle on my right butt cheek. No lie.


Anonymous said...

Hayd, I was reading a few posts down where you said you like to watch indie films. Have you seen Eagle vs. Shark? It was really cute. And I watched Into The Wild last night, and it's gone on my list of absolute favorites. (:

Hope you're having fun on vacation!