When I can't write, and I really want to, I make a list of everything that pops into my head at the time. I call it thought vomit. Whenever I imagine someone reading it, I picture them asking the nearest person if there is any chance I am on crack. Just for the record I'm not...today. hhahahaa
*Do you ever feel like you are insanely busy with things to do and then find yourself sitting on your couch - realizing that all that busy craziness is really just in your head? Thats me. Right now. On my couch. Trying to organize shit in my head. Just when I feel like i've sorted things out, I have this overwhelming feeling that I'm forgetting something important and I cant figure it out what it is. oh well.
* Yesterday I spent a looveelyyy time with my Caitlin. I love her. I didnt realize how much I was truly missing her until we actually got to spend time together. We almost cleared the magazine shelves at Barnes and Nobles and took our stack to a near by table. We ended up reading cosmopolitans sex tips for shits and giggles and met up with Ally to impart on her our new found wisdom.
*I really like watching indie films. I'm not sure many of my friends would be really into it, maybe a few, but mostly I just like how off beat they are and how random they can be. Even if they suck I watch them. Because they remind me what real life is like. I love movies that tell me about life. Any movies like that...Garden State, Once, Dedication...stuff like that. Because I get so completely bored with hollywood plots (so predictable) incredibly thin women and heroic men. I actually get waaaay more excited about REAL people, with real problems, with real unconventional love stories. Even if the movie is boring to everyone else.
*When I think about eating Mac and Cheese, I get excited, but afterwards I just want to barf. I ask myself, "why did I just put that in my system? hello intestines, I forgot you were in there."
*I hate it when people use the word "fag." It makes me want to kick someone's ass. I also wish people wouldn't throw around the word "billion". I read this thing about it online. A billion minutes ago, it was 1970, a billion seconds ago, Jesus was alive. Politicians throw this word around like its nothing.
*I want to write a childrens book more than anything in the world. Always have.
*This Wednesday I get to take my god-son out to the movies for a little day trip. Him and his sister are probably the most adorable, perfect, intelligent kids in the world. They eat organic, they are vegetarian, their momma does yoga and home schools them. And they are the most humble and beautiful family I have ever met. I am so excited.
*In a few weeks, I will be on a boat, on Lake Hartwell, GA. I'm leaving my cell phone and my laptop at home. A whole week with no contact, no news, no media. Just me and the family, down by the cottage in hot southern weather, gettin my glow on. (translation: burning like the irish girl I am.)
*I watched the second Step Up Movie. I really really didnt want to. I thought it was going to bomb really bad, but all it really did....was make me wish I was black.
*Jesus was totally a liberal.