Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So, this is my first official blog. (I enjoy the word well as blogging, blogger, blog-tastic...etc.)  I guess I should start with a little background - and it goes like this: I need a place to express myself.  I tried writing in a diary and it failed miserably.  I would write and write for about a week straight, suddenly fueled by some inspiration... and then I would forget I even owned one for another month.  There were huge gaps in my entries, and the times I did write, I had to rewind my life for weeks just to get everything down.  It wasn't working.  Then I tried art journals, which I loved but had enough time or scrap paper for.  So here I am.  
High school is almost over and I am getting EXTREMELY excited.  College excites me more than anything right now.  Yet at the same time, being away from family scares me.  Hopefully this blog will come in handy...just in case anyone is missing me :)

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