Friday, June 20, 2008


I'm in desperate need of time and inspiration.  Things are really picking up around here.  Graduation is next week, the family grad party is tomorrow, work hours should be loading on within the next week, and I've got money on the brain.  How to I get it, how to save it, when to spend it, car-laptop-dormstuff-clothes-supplies-food-friends....  This is why I didn't want to grow up, haha.  
I have so many ideas in my head, so many things I want to get sketched down on paper.  Yet it seems like whenever I have the time, the creativity doesn't flow.  Its major artistic block and its driving me insane.  When I'm busiest is when I have the best ideas, and unfortunately...the least time to hold on to them.  I have the greatest urge to just submerge myself in one beautiful idea.  Soon....soon.  :)

1 comment:

Kelannn said...

I hate when I have artistic block. Just wait for it to come to you, lovey. You are gorgeous and amazing.

conGRATulations =]