Monday, October 6, 2008

make love. not war. i need to bitch about this.

Politics have got me all revved up lately.  It started in my Freshmen Seminar class where we ended up talking about this huge financial crisis we're in and the upcoming election.  I'm an Obama supporter, so if you have something against that you should just stop reading now.  I've had people tell me that "liberalism is a mental disorder," and I'm seriously offended by it.  I think everyone has a right to their own opinion, and if you don't think I have a right to mine, you can fuck a duck. Nothing makes me more upset than talking politics with closed minded people.  I usually avoid the subject all together.

But anyway, as part of our homework, we had to watch the VP debate with Sarah Palin and Joe Biden and then write our opinions on it and post it in an online class thread...for everyone to read.  So I had to be extra careful about what I said because I hate to cause conflict with people over this shit, I really do.  But this is MY blog, so I'm gonna say whatever the hell I please.  Sarah Palin is a complete joke.  Is anyone else utterly TERRIFIED that there is a huge possibly that our country's NUCLEAR CODES could be in her hands within months?!!!  She wasn't even close to be a convincing politician.  A lot of the kids in my class tended to side with her saying she was "nicer" and "talked like a human being."  Well here's the thing for me...the VICE PRESIDENT of the United States, should speak like an intelligent human being, not like a hockey mom who was coached through a slew of political phrases and got her teeth whitened just for the event. I say this without any sexism, I simply say it because its all I know about her.  Her back country slurs did not make me like her, or feel like she was "more human," it made me question her intelligence and it made me feel a little insulted.  She came out of nowhere into this campaign.  Who the hell IS she?  As for who was the "nicer" candidate...if you go into a debate judging it based on the "nicer" person, you are delusional.  Both candidates are going to take shots at each other its what they do- its a debate.  And if you ask me, if our future vice president is involved in major global negotiations...I sure am sure hell not picking the "nicer" one.

I went around the internet (with the fact in mind that most, if not all of what I would find would be rumor) and found many coinciding stories of her involvement in book banning, and even involvement in the Alaskan Independence Party.  (So...she wanted Alaska independent from the United States and now she wants to help run it?) Though the story is very vague and obviously twisted around...more than one account from existing members of the Party claim her and her husbands involvement as far back as 1994.  This woman just had a baby with special needs, her 17 year old is about to have a baby and she just jumped into this campaign head first without a care in the world.  This tells me that she puts her own ambitions before her family - I trait I don't necessarily admire.  

I thought Biden represented himself with great integrity and experience.  He explained directly the the American people what they are getting into and he did so without being condescending.  We need his experience in foreign relations so badly.  Everyone is freaking out about the 16 month plan to get the troops out of Iraq, saying that if we pull out now it will all be in vain.  Well guess me, its already in vain.  It started with a redneck president's pride and his personal family agenda (not to mention a whole lot of oil) and now we are working are asses off to justify the loss of human life.  We marched our armies in there and wedged them in the middle of an ANCIENT feud between two groups of people and though hey..we're the US, we can fix anything, lets force you all into democracy.  And now that it has blown up in our faces and we're all TRILLIONS of dollars in debt, we are clinging to some kind of justification for this.  In my opinion, the only way we can truly move forward, is to pull back and let the work we have done there stand on its own two feet.  I support our troops.  I do not support this war.

Biden has a son going to Iraq very soon.  For him and for Obama...getting Iraq right is about wayyy more than just proving a point.  We need a changeeee. Now.  So bad.  Obama is the man to do it.  He's young, yes.  Inexperienced...perhaps in some areas.  But no president runs a country alone and he already has more maturity and more charisma than any politician I've seen.  I'm sick and tired of the ridiculousness of the United States.  I'm ashamed to be American most times.  I want so badly for that to change.  And you know what sucks?  I'm not even fucking old enough to vote.  For all you 18 year olds who are just kind of on the fence or dont really give a shit...get educated, make an informed decision - whether you are democrat or republican it doesnt matter.  Use your right, your privilege, your power - and vote.


Anonymous said...


Rae Says Wha said...

Hey, it's Rachel.
I went to see David Sedaris the other night, and he had a story, and it related to being 'on the fence' with political candidates. I figured I'd fill you in on it.

It went something like this:

Imagine someone on a plane and the stewardess stops by and asks
"For dinner would you like chicken OR shit with glass in it?"
"Hmmm, well how is the chicken cooked?"
To which the stewardess paused and said
"Does it really matter? Your only other option is SHIT WITH GLASS IN IT. ITS NOT A TOUGH QUESTION!"

I love your rants :-)