Thursday, October 9, 2008

I can still laugh :)

I'm just in love with being alive today.  And I thought you all should know.  The world is so shitty and fucked up and I was starting to let it get me down.  Financial crisis, hunger, poverty, dirty politics, war, close minded assholes, media, money money money, work work work, pettiness, pride, anger, defeat of my spirit....

and then I thought, hell no.  I will not be beaten down today- because I'm ok.  I'm ok because I'm alive.  I'm ok because I can run and jump and blow bubbles and sing songs and play scrabble.  I can draw, I can paint, I can create, I can speak, hear, taste, touch, see, hope, dream, and I can laugh.  I can still laugh.

Yeah, I'm ok.  I'm more than ok.  I'm beautiful.


AutumnLuis said...

haha! yeah thats true too =]

Anonymous said...

Honey child you's gorgeous and don't you forget it!!!

p.s. I was with you when you got those bangles so yay! lol.