Thursday, September 25, 2008


Sometimes we get a little bored on weekends and make forts to watch movies under.  Isn't that the shittiest fort you have ever seen? <>

Well its been a while since my last post and so much has been happening I can hardly see straight.  The project I had been so worried about wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  It was still pretty rough grading in our class but I came out with a B.  I have never been so thankful for a B in my entire life.  Maureen, our professor is a hard ass.  But at the same time she is my HERO.  She has had the most interesting life, so many stories and she is so devoted to her painting.  She also has ADD and a sailor's mouth so I could listen to her talk all day.  We'll get up to go to class early in the morning and she'll walk in the room with old hoodies on, covered in paint saying, "Why the fuck am I awake?"  She's quirky and strange and psycho but I absolutely love it.  Underneath all of that she is an extremely good person.  After her husband died, she sold a painting in France for like $16,000.  She came home and looked around at all the material stuff her husband had collected and sold all over her stuff because she wanted to make a difference with the money somewhere instead of just "fuckin around."  (classic Maureen.)  She spent some time in Tanzania where she helped teach and stayed in a village.  From then on, every single cent of any money she makes when she sells a painting, she sends to the town she stayed in.  How freakin amazing is that?  Hands down - my hero.

This past week has been one of the absolute busiest.  I had three huge assignments due one day after another.  I handed in the last of them yesterday and rewarded myself with a longgg beautiful nap.  (or two.)  I have spent the past week or so staying up until 2-3am working on either art or english or some kind of homework.  Its a lot to handle especially because I haven't been procrastinating and I'm still up so late!  Part of that is probably because of this boy who likes to hold my hand sometimes.  But still..I've been doing well staying on top of things.  But now I take more naps than I did when I was a toddler.  I go to class, work, eat, sleep, work, sleep, eat, go to class...etc.  It never ends.  And I'm so in love with it.  

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow.  My sister Maggie is coming up to spend the night in my dorm.  She's so excited about and so am I.  I cant wait to just hang out and show her what dorm life is like.  I think she'll love it.  Its so strange because I feel so far away.  Its almost weird to go home because my life is SO drastically different.  I cant wait for Mags to be here so I can just show her around...this is my life now.  I love weekends with a passion.  And this weekend I'm going home for a night which I am really looking forward to.  I haven't been home in a month.  So Mags sleeps over Friday, I sleep over Saturday.  I have to go to my best friend's little sister's baby shower.  I have a feeling its going to be an awkward, almost painful event seeing as she is 16 years old, but I really want to see Ally.  I have missed her so much.  So this weekend should be fun, I can't wait to just be with my family.  You forget how much you need them sometimes.  

till next time <3


Anonymous said...

Okay I realized I don't actually know you're e-mail after two failed attempts so I figured this was the best way :-D

Hey love! So many cool things are happening. My dance class is a-fucking-mazing! We're doing this dance to this spoken piece by Ani Difranco and this dance gives me chills when I dance it. It's something that should be on So You Think You Can Dance. It's that freaking cool. I'll have to show you when I see you. In fact I kinda wanna teach it to you. It's so cool and completely open to interpretation and so organic and weird and amazing! In other news I'm kind of writing a book. I had to write this imagination piece for English and we had to get in small groups and read each persons piece and everyone loved mine. So I'm sitting in Bio, we're reviewing stuff I already understood from Espo's class, and I'm just thinking about the story and I decided to kind of outline the next two chapters and then I just got like a massive brain burst. I was like and this'll happen, and that'll happen after that, oh and she finds out this from that and I basically mapped out my entire book. When I write some more maybe could I send it to you, it won't be for a really long while though. I kind of want to wait to start my book until I get my mac book. So I'm gonna be going home next weekend for Fall break, october 9-12, and I was wondering if I could come up and see you one day. I need some Hayd time. I was also wondering could you see me as an English teacher? Everyone keeps saying that and I'm wondering what you think. What's new with you I wanna hear about school, and boys and craziness! E-mail me back when you get this. Love you like a sixteen year old boy loves long, soapy showers!

Anonymous said...

Hey slight crisis. Someone in my suite said i remind them of big rhonda from that 70s show. i don't look like big rhonda do i?