Wednesday, September 10, 2008

This week has been a little overwhelming.  But in the best ways.  This week things in school have gotten more serious.  I'm terrified for my art class tomorrow.  I worked my ass off on a linear perspective and turned it in when it was due, tomorrow i get the grade.  Then today I heard that the other class working on the same project ended up getting F's.  EVERY single one of them got F's.  Its brutal.  If I ever catch anyone saying that Art majors dont work hard...I'll personally kick their ass.

Today I've just been feelin a little down.  Missing people, feeling overwhelmed, a little scared of tomorrow.  But I keep reminding myself how well everything is going and how I have to take the good with the bad.  Find a balance. 

In other beautiful dorm walls are no longer blank.  I bought my Dave Matthews poster - finally.  His sax player recently died.  And I cried.  I seriously did.  I need to find out when his next concert is near by.  I'm having Dave concert withdrawals.  The other day I went out with my momma and my sister, my cousin Tori and Aunt Gerri, to the Clothesline festival at the art gallery.  It was so awesome.  Its like a lilac festival only for all artists.  I saw so many things I loved and wanted to learn how to make.  Hopefully before I die I'll get a booth there and sell my art.  There were potters, sculptors, painters, jewelry makers, glass blowers, belly dancers, hula dancers, wood workers, guitar players.  It was just a big beautiful day of art. And I spent it with the best people in the world.

My birthday is around the corner in November.  18 on the 18th!!! WOO.  I'm savin up for my next tattoo...and hopefully for a nose piercingggggg.  I dont know yet. LEAST a tattoo.  I have to start working on that design soon.  I'm so excited :)  I love being an adult who can make her own decisions sometimes.  Nobody can really talk you out of doing what you want.  You're free.  Tattoos? Piercings? Mhm.  yes please.  Thats another reason I love art so much.  It just has so many infinite possibilities and you can express yourself however the hell you want because it becomes your life.  It completes you, transforms you into the person you want to become inside and out.  I love that. I love this.  This is me.

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