Wednesday, June 10, 2009

scatter brained update...

*The new Dave Matthews CD is fucking phenomenal and you should all go out and buy it.

*I thoroughly enjoy having a paycheck.

*I also thoroughly enjoy having a sweet ass car to go and do nothing with.  

*I finally got the closure I was looking for with my ex.  We hung out and finally got back to being best friends.  It IS possible to be friends again.  And I am so thankful.  

*I've been finding time lately to doodle again and it feels so good.

*I have been trying hard to eat healthy along with my work out thing.  But God I love ice cream.  

*I miss my Dad. He's in Haiti at the moment helping work on a clinic in Bourne.  I worry about him.  But he comes home tomorrow!!!!!

*I'm pale.  Between work and home I miss the good sunning hours.  I've gotta stop the whole pasty white irish chick them I have going.  

*I want more tattoos.  Big ones.

*I'm pissed because I had to take out my nose ring for work and now its all closed up.  I really like it.  I'm so bummed.

There is nothing better in the whole world than riding on the highway with the windows down and the music up.  Cliche?  Yes.  True? Absolutely.

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