I can't believe that next week is midterms. Holy hell. This semester is flying by. We get tomorrow off and I swear I am going to make this three day weekend last. I want nothing more than to be home, to be with my family and just relax for once. In between my old job, my new job and the giant amount of work for school...I'm starting to feel the effects.
In better news, there is a very good chance that this summer I could be going to THREE DAVE MATTHEWS BAND CONCERTS!!!!!!!!!!!! Two of them are for sure, the third is a maybe, but I'm hoping it will happen. It would be HEAVEN.
I love Dave so much. I mean...Dear God. He can't be topped. The first time I saw him in concert, there was an opener band that took like an hour and all I could think was...."opening band? WHO THE FUCK OPENS UP FOR DAVE FREAKING MATTHEWS??!!" It just didn't make sense to me at all.
Look at this picture. I mean...come on. He's a musical beast.
So...definitely something to look forward to. So stoked.
1 comment:
thank you - i like it alot (i didnt know i could love a piece of body jewelry so much =P )
dave matthews band.....so not fair
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