1) I think good music helps me breathe better.
2) To me, there is nothing better than Autumn. No one can convince me otherwise.
3) I feel far away from people sometimes. I have amazing friends and family. I'm glad that I am trusted and I'm happy to be a shoulder. But sometimes I don't know who I'm supposed to go to. I don't want to bother anyone.
4) I think I've gotten too comfortable in this life of mine. I'm minoring in Peace and Justice and even though I can talk about it until I'm blue in the face, I want to be DOING something. Its easy to feel hopeless when I look at all the issues in the world that need attention. I don't want to be a sympathy note or a check in the mail. I want to be part of a movement for change.
5) Took a drive to see my best friend last weekend. It was about a two hour drive. Alone, on long stretches of colorful roads, I was happy. Seeing her made me even happier.
6) My hands smell like clorox wipes from cleaning our bathroom this afternoon. I like the smell.
7) I feel like I'm fighting to keep my head above water when it comes to the work load this semester. Every challenge is a good one, but I'm starting to feel like I'm burning myself out.
8) Sometimes I contemplate what it would be like to take a vow of silence. I'm tempted to try it.
9) I think asian babies are especially adorable.
10) I may have mentioned this in a previous blog, but I really would like to learn french again. And also to have babies like this one: