It's weird to think that I started this blog almost a year ago. Weird.
Well it's summer again and the world just keeps on turning. Work at the pizza shop has been pretty decent. I like this job loaaaddds more than my old one. And the people are pretty amazing too. They are just my kind of people. For instance....first day on the job I start working next to this kid Jason who is a total hippie. We start chopping up tomatoes and everybody is just getting to know me a little and he says...
"So. Hayden. What's your favorite dinosaur?"
It's embarrassing to say, but over the past couple weeks, I sortofkindamaybe formed a small crush on my boss Jordan. Gah. Stupid me. We had fun, he was really cool to talk to and he flirted back. I go to a school where there are more squirrels then straight men so the male attention was kind of just...nice. Well, he ended up getting transferred to another store, so he's never around anymore. Which is cool I guess. Although work is significantly more boring. It wasn't a big huge deal and I don't really care too much about it. But it's all good because basically what I needed was some dude attention to remind me that I'm not as invisible as I feel some times. And it was nice to have someone else in my head rather than the ex....who is constantly yanking me around on a string. Whatever.
In other news...I started this 90 day work out thing and holy balls is it hard. This trainer is a nazi. Its so easy to get discouraged but I just have to remind myself thats its only 90 days and it will totally be worth it when I'm done. I just want to be a good shape you know? I'm in decent shape now, but I just want to take better care of myself....and maybe not cry in a dressing room trying on bathing suits. Hahaa.
Oh!!!!!!! And I finally got my first car :) She's pretty. Green. Subaru. Beautious. It is so nice to have my own transportation. I mean, I'm working extra hard to make car payments and manage gas, but its all good. So worth it.
This summer is much busier and crazier than I thought it would be, but the busy is good. Its all good. And to top off this fantastic June afternoon....the new Dave Matthews Band album is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
peace, love and sunshine,