Monday, March 9, 2009

thought vomit for today.

*When my religion teacher speaks, I want to hug her.  Dr. Zhang has the thickest chinese accent I have ever heard and the most adorable round, happy cheeks on the planet.  Sometimes the kids in my class laugh at her when she struggles with her english and she gets all red and embarrassed.  I just want to hug her and tell it's okay.

*Speaking of religion class, the blue eyed boy who sits in front of me is passed out cold.  And he is soooooooooooo damn cute.  And would probably never speak to me unless he had to.  

*I would like nothing more than a cup of yogi tea, a good book and a down comforter.  Along with hours of time to read/sleep away.

*Every where I have been in the last couple weeks has inspired me to make something new, to draw or create something worth while, something that inspires ME.  Don't get me wrong, I adore art school, but the thing is, until now, art has never felt like work.  The current project is making me feel this way.  I can't wait to be done with it and start a new one.  I'm anxious for summer, for the time to work on my own projects.  

*This weekend I go home for spring break.  The first two nights I'm home, I am going to my little sister's school play at my old high school.  What that entails, is plenty of time with the hometown friends.  That should have me excited.  Why am I dreading it with my entire being?

*I'm buying Dave Matthews tickets this weekend.  When I think of that, nothing can TOUCH my happiness.

*I have been doing a lot of yoga lately.  I'm a lot stretchier than I ever thought I was.  

*Even on days when I feel completely happy with my work, with my social life, with everything.... I look in the mirror and want to change what I see.  My self image should never tear my mood down, but God it does.  

*i love pineapple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why are you scared? I protect you!!!
I ward off mean people who don't have clue. Yes.
Love you so freaking much its insane.
And I know what you mean but even when it comes to something you love there are going to be days, weeks, even months where it feels like work and the only thing you want to do is throw in the towel, throw up your arms in surrender and yell "I give up. You win. Just let me rest and have some peace." But what makes it worth it is when you break through that wall and you can look at what you've created and go "damn. I'm good. I created that. Me. No one else." And no one can take that pride and joy away from you. It's taken me a long time to realize that. And I hope it can help you. Maybe for once I can help you instead of you helping me with all of my problems. :-) Two way streets are the best kinds.