Tuesday, November 4, 2008

unyielding hope.

I want to remember this moment forever.  I want to tell my grandchildren about it.  I want to sing.   I want to cry.  (oh wait I'm already doing that.)

I cannot believe I am alive, in this moment, right now.  Its not just about the fact that Obama is our new president.  Its the fact that millions of Americans put him there.  That millions of Americans dont just believe in one man, but they believe in change, in the future, in facing the struggle with dignity, and hope.  That America is finally getting it.  I cannot contain my joy.  I cried so hard.  Just to be here, just to see this day, just to be alive.  To think about Martin Luther King, to think about all our country has been through.  To think that we choose the here and now to move forward.  To hear an incredible, historic speech by our new president.  God is so good.  

I know that the next years will be incredibly hard.  They will test us and change us.  But I can honestly say that this is the first time in my entire life, I have ever been proud to be American.  This is history.  This is history.  It means more to me than I can ever explain.  My prayers now are about keeping Obama and his family safe so this moment will not be in vain.  I am filled with "unyielding hope."   Yes We Can.

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