Sunday, March 21, 2010

the big beautiful leap.

So as it turns out, taking the leap can be the best thing. The CD Release was probably the most epic night of music I've ever experienced. Dad's band brought the house down and singing up there with them felt wonderful. The anxiety before hand almost killed me. But when it was time for my first solo with a band of the greatest guys I know right behind me, and my amazing dad right next to me....I don't know....something just fell into place.

The whole reason I finally said yes to this was because I'm just so tired of feeling afraid of things. Even though I know that the anxiety won't leave when I wish it to, I think if I work at pretending to be unafraid...eventually I won't feel the fear anymore.

I sang back up for the first half of the night, and then did a set by myself in the second half. And my sister got up and sang with me. I had been feeling so much pressure before hand (an anxiety helped only by the few beers Uncle Rich snuck me before hand, hahaha)....I knew almost everyone in the room. My entire family was there. And because I've kept to myself for so long...some of the people I love the most, had no idea I could sing. Or play guitar. As soon as Maggie came and sang with me, I just....stopped caring so much. I closed my eyes and pretended I was in my living room, just playing and singing with my sister. And even though I was assaulted by hot stage lights and a giant looking microphone, in a dingy bar in the basement of a theater...pretending to have no fear, pretending I was in my living room....I was okay again. And I just want to sing. And I did.

The response was incredible and I'm still reeling from it. My family flipped the hell out, crying and hugging me and asking me where the hell I'd been hiding, demanding that I play out more often. at me like I was something special. My greatest friends came to party with us and support when I really needed it, even if I had trouble voicing how much I needed them there. My grandfather came up and hugged me after my first solo, even though it was the middle of the concert and told me he was proud of me....which was just....huge for him. Huge for me.

People came up and asked me to sign the artwork I did on the cover of Dad's CD, telling me they loved my work. I've never signed autographs before. It was just so surreal. The night was truly amazing. A complete eye opener. I spend so much time doubting myself, second guessing, being afraid. And after last night every one has been telling me things along the lines of "what the hell is wrong with you....why would you EVER doubt yourself!!!"

Self doubt is definitely a condition I have battled with and probably always will battle with. But the love I felt, and the music I felt last night...its like the armor I need to keep fighting those battles. I'm still on a high from it all.

<3 <3 <3

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A List of Recently.

~Dad's home! Safe, and tan, and glowing with this other worldliness that I am dying to understand myself one day. Every time her goes to Haiti I am wishing I was with him. And someday that will be. But for now, I'm brushing up on my creole....and by brushing up I mean ordering dictionaries and phrase books online and desperately trying to teach myself.

~There is something very potent about fresh air and sunshine. Even as I welcome every breath of it, I'm struggling to keep my focus on school when the earth itself is buzzing awake right outside my window. Thank God I am currently on Spring break and school is the last thing on my mind.

~I really adore my little sister. I wish she could see herself through my eyes. I just feel like her goodness is going to change one little kid at a time. And she doesn't even see how beautiful she is....inside and out. She just radiates peace to me. If I hear about ANY boys breaking her heart I will become a non-characteristically violent person and kick some sacks.

~I have this habit of setting my alarm clock an hour ahead of the time I think I might wanna start waking up. I'm convinced that the most pleasurable sleep intervals are the ones between my Dave Matthews ringtone/alarm.

~I'm taking a giant leap of faith this weekend....and finally taking my guitar to play and sing somewhere outside my bedroom. I'm terrified. And excited. But mostly terrified. I've trained myself into saying no whenever anyone asks me to play, but I realized recently that I'm afraid of a lot of thing the majority of the time. And thats no way to do your living. So here's to saying Yes, and letting go, and trusting in the greatest invisible friend there is to have your back no matter how badly you are afraid to fail.

~My stomach makes the most ridiculous noises, I am starting to convince myself that I'm having conversations with an alien child residing there.

~At this very moment, someone is thinking about how absolutely beautiful you are.