Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I'm pretty sure that most of you out there in blog land are aware of Post Secret. If you aren't, then get at it. (www.postsecret.com) It's wonderful. Every Sunday I check the new posts and every sunday I am moved, or entertained, and shocked or relieved. Every Sunday, I feel a little less alone knowing that a lot of the secrets we are afraid to let out, we already share in common with a lot of other people in the world. Sometimes the weight of these secrets stays with me through the day and I wonder if whoever they belong to, feel better about sharing it. There is so much we hide from each other. Some secrets are necessary, some are just simply a burden.

Shake it loose. Let it go. You aren't alone.

So I thought maybe if there are people out there who can share secrets, then so can I. It took me a while to really think of things people may or may not know about me, I've never had much to hide. But I'm coming up with a list. (If you haven't noticed by now, I kind of have a thing for lists.)

*I play the guitar and sing by myself in my room when I'm feeling stupid or stressed out. I'd never really play out for anyone. I do it when I have to remind myself I'm good at something even if I want no one to hear or see.

* I stole a shit load of art supplies from my high school art teacher. I figured it was justified. She robbed me of my inspiration, independence and creativity....I robbed her classroom.

*If I meet a guy who is shorter than me, I automatically keep it platonic. I know it sounds shallow and sometimes I hate myself for it, but I've been tall my entire life. I've been the big sore thumb in every group of friends I've ever had. I just want someone to make me feel small, protected, safe.

*Sex scares me. I'm afraid I just won't be what anybody wants.

*When I'm feeling bad about myself, I clean.

*I wait for you to call me or text me still. You don't unless it is once in a while. Even then I still get excited to see your name on my phone. I can't stand that. I resent you. You make me feel stupid, inferior, and vulnerable. But I'd still meet up with you at weird hours in random parking lots to make out if it meant I could keep you as my friend.

*Oh, and you aren't that good of a kisser. In fact I think you got worse since the last time I saw you.

*In fourth grade Mr. Mazzota yelled at me for shooting spitballs at Nick Somethingsomething. I was so embarrassed I cried after school.

*The reason I have so many gay friends is because gay men are the only men I trust.

*I told you I had to work, but really I just didn't want to see you.

*I walked out of a bathroom stall once with my skirt stuck in my panties. It's happened three times in my life thus far. I thought that was only supposed to happen in movies!

What are your secrets? < click it and be inspired.